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Tuesday 26 May 2020

Daily Devotionals for Difficult Days [70] A Heart of Thanks

Where have the years Gone?

Yesterday we celebrated the 27th birthday of my second son and pondered the passing of almost three decades. We brought to mind many happy memories of years gone by. And this was one of them...

...when Joel was around four years old I was reading the Bible to him one evening in our daily devotionals. We would read a short passgae of Scripture in an age-relevant Bible, talk about it briefly and then pray. I asked Joel to pray as we closed our eyes.

Well he went on and on and on and on! I thought revival had descended on the Summers' household! "Thank you Lord for apples, thank you for bananas, thank you Lord for carrots, thank you for dandelions, thank you for elephants..."

After what seemed to be an endless prayer of thanksgiving I opened my eyes only to see him looking up at an alphabet strip that ran around his room!

Eventually we would have got to "thank you Lord for zebras!"

Jesus' life was filled with Thanksgiving

From the Gospel accounts we catch a glimpse of the thankfulness of the Lord Jesus Christ, our Redeemer and Example.

Before he eats he gives thanks. It's there again and again and again - even in his hour of greatest need (Matthew 15:36, 26:26, 27). What we do when we are in the midst of sorrow reveals much about our habits and priorities.

So key was thanksgiving to the life of Jesus that he was identified by his thankfulness-habit when he "broke bread and gave thanks." (Luke 24:30). "This stranger is giving thanks before he eats - it must be Jesus!"

The Power of Thanksgiving

So key is thanksgiving to Christian living that we have a command, "give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus" in 1 Thessalonians 5:18.

Thanksgiving constantly reminds me that every good gift we enjoy is from God. We are utterly dependent upon his mercy and grace.

Thanksgiving reminds me that there is ALWAYS some good in life to be thankful for - when I am tempted to think otherwise.

Thanksgiving forces me to be thoughtful - why should I give thanks today and in this circumstance? For what reason? I am forced to count my blessings, and once the pump is primed the blessings flow!

Thanksgiving reminds me that even if I am in a prison cell with nothing material to thank God for, I am a spiritual trillionaire, because God has "blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ." (Ephesians 1:3)

Not with some spiritual blessings, but with every spiritual blessing - which the apostle goes on to list.

Thanksgiving reminds me that I am not home yet. Should I start my devotions wondering what to thank God for, pitying myself, telling myself "there ain't nothing to praise God for today," well I will surely find something. Ah, but one day I shan't have to go searching for that Something, for I will be filled with joy in God's presence relishing "eternal pleasures at God's right hand." (Psalm 16:11)

Summing it All Up

Thanksgiving, which starts off sounding like a duty, ends up the bringer of many blessings.

I've chosen a simple song of praise for today written in 1978 by Henry Smith.

Give Thanks With A Grateful Heart
Give Thanks To The Holy One
Give Thanks Because He Has Given
Jesus Christ His Son (x2)

And Now Let The Weak Say I Am Strong
Let The Poor Say I Am Rich
Because Of What The Lord
Has Done For Us. 

You can listen HERE.


Our gracious Father in heaven,

We bring to you our thanksgiving today. Forgive us for ingratitude and accept our sincere heartfelt thanks today.

We thank you for every spiritual blessing, all of which have come through Jesus Christ.

We thank you for choosing us, for the forgivness of sins and for the gift of your Spirit who lives within us, keeping us, empowering us and developing in our hearts his fruit.

Teach us to be thankful people every day.

For Christ's sake,


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