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Wednesday 8 May 2024

What is the Church's main battle today?


No-one knows

The truth of the matter is that none of can tell where the most important battle lines of our day lie.

This is because for all we know we may be so immersed in our greatest errors that we are utterly immune to them. 

This is the only way to understand, for example, the Magesterial Reformers of the 1500s, who could not discern the error - a rather fatal one with hindsight - of church-state union. Using worldly power to wield Gospel influence! Forcing their spiritual reformation with the power of magistrates - and if necessary the sword!

(Tragically they did not listen to the Anabaptists who saw through this humongous error.)

Only time and history will reveal the true battlelines of our day.

We can make a stab at a guess. 

And when we do, I'd suggest three.

The first is our obsession with numbers, whether bucks, hits or bums on seats. This preocupation twists almost everything in Western Evangelicalism, from an apathy towards real-world small-group discipleship to a skewing of who or what is important (the only rule is "count the numbers" to figure out what's best). It may prove to the the most damaging inafutuation of our age.

The second candidate is an unholy alliance with the academy. This results in churches which look and feel much like a branch of the local uni; pride; spiritual cataracts preventing us from discerning the supernatural; and artificial linguistic barriers to reaching ordinary people with the Gospel. This boastful fascination with all things scholarly may prove to be the downfall of evangelicalism.

The third must be anthropology - what is mankind?

Christology, Soteriology, Anthropology

I don't know where the following insight came from, but it is very helpful:

If the battle front in the first few centuries was Christology (Who is Jesus Christ?), and the war leading up to the 1500s was Soteriology (How can we be saved?), the conflict we are facing today is most probably Anthropology (What is mankind?)

And there are four fronts in this contemporary "Who are we?" skirmish:

1. The Species Conflict

In this conflict the issue at stake is how humans relate to the animal kingdom. Are we just another animal, or are we radically unique, alone made in the image of God?

The pincer movement in the world attempts to raise the status of animals while simultaneously demoting humankind. The least new-found achievement in the animal kingdom (most often some new "tool-use") is touted as evidence of continuity between us and animals. 

("Tool-use" is one of the most deceitful uses of a word one could conceive of because the "tools" animals use are not the complex drills, lathes or chisels we use but bare sticks and ordinary stones).

2. The Gender Conflict

The idea that gender is fluid from male at one end of the spectrum to female at the other. This against the clear Biblical (and common sense) truth that gender is defined by body anatomy and the make up of all our cells. 

3. The Sexuality Conflict

The notion that all sex is permissible (provided no-one is 'injured') against the clear Biblical (and biological) truth that the only righteous place for sex is within the marriage of one man with one woman.

4. The Gender Role Conflict

The idea that there is no distinction in role between men and women. Against the clear truth of Scripture that while men an women are equal in worth and salvation there is an order between them which should be maintained - and seen to be maintained - in the church and the home.

Will the church win this Battle?

We can't be sure the western church as a whole will win this battle. The church in other parts of the world is proving more steadfast. 

For sure there is evidence (Steve Chalke is the classic case in point) that compromise on number 4. leads quickly and directly to compromise on number 3.

My own concern is that a wide-ranging revisionist attempt on number 4 is now taking place in the evangelical church - though that will be hotly disputed - which could easily lead to a watering down of the other 3.

Time will tell. 

Only Gospel priorities and constant and prayerful vigilance will keep us from apostasy.

Monday 29 April 2024

What is the difference between Justification and Sanctification?


Justification and Sanctification compared

Nerdy but helpful?

It may be nerdy, but I have always found the diagram above helpful when trying to understand the wonder of Justification by faith.

Justification comes from the legal world. The scene is a courtroom. The Judge is God himself. We are in the dock. And we are guilty.

But unexpectantly - and certainly undeservedly - God declares us righteous in his sight!

We are Justified!

He does not acquit us - he does not say "you are guiltless" because we're not innocent. We have not loved God with all our hearts nor our fellow man as we love ourselves.

And yet God declares us righteous in his eyes!

Which is both astounding - and judicially disturbing.

Since we are in point of fact not righteous and since God is the righteous Judge of the universe how can he declare sinners righteous? 

The double-basis for Justification

There are two intrinsically connected reasons God can justify sinners. A double exchange takes place.

First, our sin has been atoned for through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. In this way God can be the just Judge of the universe. He is not letting anyone off the hook. All sin is being paid for. In his rich mercy he takes the punishment on himself, through the suffering of his Son.

But there is more. The atonement pays our debt. We are no longer in the red.

But our bank balance is zero since all of us fall short of God's glory. We have no righteoussness of our own. This is where the second exchange comes in. God gives to us (he imputes to us) the perfect righteousness of his Son!

The obedient life Jesus lived is reckoned to our account. We are dressed in robes of white we don't deserve!

God looks at us now "in Christ" with all of his sinless perfection!

This is how a holy God can declare sinners righteous.

A Gift by Faith

This righteousness, which we cannot earn, comes to us as a free gift. All we must do is to believe the Good News. And even the faith by which we do the believing is given to us. 

This is astounding when we first grasp it and we should marvel at it with every subsequent hearing!

God justifies wicked people!

The vilest offender who truly believes, that moment from Jesus a pardon receives.

Justification compared to Sanctification

To make Justification even clearer it may be helpful to compare it to Sanctification, the lifelong process of becoming holy. 

Justification is instantaneous (see gaph): the moment we believe God views us as sinless.

 Justification does not change: there is nothing we can do which would cause God to de-justify us. Justification is unaffected by our spiritual performance, praise God.

Justification is 100% God's work and 0% ours. 

Sanctification, on the other hand - the real-life holiness of a believer - is gradual and progressive. Always on the up, but with the odd downward blip, for perverse and foolish oft we stray.

And Sanctification is in our hands, dangerous thing to say, as well as in God's. We are called to work out our salvation with fear and trembling as God works within us. In a real sense we are as holy as we want to be, mindful that grace is always prevenient, and there is no sanctification without the Holy Spirit.

Some Implications

Satan loves to point to our sanctification. But when Satan tempts us to despair and points to all the sin within, our task is to upward look and see Him who made an end to all our sin and imputed his righteousness to our account.

We can say to the Accuser, simul iustus et peccator, I am at the same time, in this present world, justified and a sinner. Until I am rid of this body of sin I will be a sinner, repenting and loathing my sin every day. But sin does not have any impact on my redline justification, praise God.

Justification is a great comfort to believers.

It's also a reminder not to judge babes in Christ. We start off new creatures in Christ, but it takes months, years and decades to grow into Christlikeness. Spiritual babes in our churches should be loved, tolerated and encouraged, in spite of all their slip ups and foibles.

When we were first converted to Christ we were perfect in God's sight (justified) but pretty miserable unsanctified sinners at that time. 

But thanks be to God he is sanctifying us all the time.

Praise God I can say that God views me every day just-as-if-I'd never sinned.

Thursday 18 April 2024

Character, Personality and Gifting

The Three Are Found in every One

Every son or daughter of Adam possesses Personality, Character and Gifting. 

Personality is largely given by nature. From the outset of life we can discern the personality of a child: shy, outgoing, timid, experimental. 

Clouds of tragedy may shroud, events may suppress, parents may try to direct, but Personality in the end is what is.

The God who has created over 400,000 different kinds of beetle has made, and delights, in a diversity of Personality.

Character is different from Personality because it is more in the hands of the possessor to shape. In Gospel terms Character may be expanded with words like faithfulness, integrity, uprightness and faithfulness.

And Character, though in the gift (and responsibility) of parents to form, is in some or large measure in the hands of the possessor. By the grace and power of God Character is open to development by the power of the Spirit.

Gifting is a mix of nature and nurture. If you have not been given some aptitude for music it's unlikely you will become a Bocelli or a Chris Martin. If no 'natural' aptitude with numbers, then you're unlikely to become a Maxwell or an Einstein. 

Gifting, as with Character, is partly in our hands. Graft and diligence can develop nascent gifts. Indeed, even though we are bestowed with natural gifts unless they are developed with diligence, they are unlikely to shine.

In the church spiritual gifts are divinely bestowed.

Confusion between Personality and Character

Believers are called to possess godly character and to add to their faith qualities such as goodness, self-control and perseverance.

And all leaders, elders and ministers of the Gospel must possess specific character traits found in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1.

All thus far is common sense. 

But here's the point of this blog.  

We must never confuse Character and Personality. 

And this is very easy to do.

Godly character can reside in a vast range of personalities. From the apostle Peters of the world who tend to be bold, outspoken and upfront, to the apostle Johns who are more of the gentle, cautious and background kind. 

God's church should be liquorice allsorts when it comes to personality and gifting. But homogenous when it comes to character.

Something is wrong in a church or with a church grouping where everyone is of the same personality type. 

We should discover - and rejoice in - God's vast range of personalities. Peters and Luthers should be welcome.

And so should Johns and Melanchthons.

AI Image:
Draw a painting of personality, character and giftings in the style of Turner

Monday 8 April 2024

How can we believe in miracles today?

Christianity is supernatural - from first to last

Christianity is supernatural through and through. 

It is founded on a miracle - the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. 

It requires a miracle for anyone to be converted to Christ: faith is a supernatural gift, the new birth is a supernatural change of heart.

Christians believe God was the author of the universe, not the trinity of chance + natural law + time.

The Bible says that the world will end supernaturally - not naturally.

Followers of Jesus are kept safe by God's mighty power every day, indeed every moment of every day.

So if miracles can't happen, Christians are in a pickle.

A reigning paradigm in the west?

A common view in the West - whether it reigns I know not - is that science has disproved the miraculous.

Or perhaps rendered those who believe in them philosophical cavemen.

The logic runs along two assumptive tracks:

Assumption 1: we know that the physical world runs by laws. Everything that happens from the 'movement' of electrons in an atom to the motion of the planets around stars runs according to known laws. 

Miracles can't happen because they would require either the suspension of those laws or the breaking of them. 

So for example, walking on the sea of Galilee breaks or suspends the law of gravity.

Assumption 2: the universe is 'closed.' By which it is meant that the only entities which can affect other entities in the universe are found within the universe. Nothing "outside" affects "inside." 

Miracles require that we posit "outside" entities (God, Satan, angels, demons) to act upon "inside" matter. (Whether we should consider God as an "outside" entity is considered below **)

So on two accounts at least - the behaviour of entities to respond in known ways by known laws, and the idea that the universe is closed - miracles are deemed impossible.

What is a Miracle?

So what is a miracle? Let's start here.

First, they are rare events - that's why they are so remarkable, why they stand out. If miracles were an everyday part of our lives, we'd call them nature. 

Secondly, miracles suspend, substitute or break the normal laws of nature.

Normally we can't walk on water, but Jesus can and does. 

Normally, it takes water, a vineyard, time and a winery to make wine. But Jesus can shortcircuit the whole process and turn water directly into wine instantly.

The laws of nature are God's ordinary modus operandi, his normal way of running his universe, miracles are God's unusual ways. 

(We should say here that what we call the normal laws of nature - are anything but normal, according to Scripture. Sustaining the universe every moment of every day is the supernatural power of the Son of God. Nature is in point of fact Supernature. So a miracle is God merely substituting Supernatural Mode Normal with Supernatural Mode Miracle.)

The third thing to say about miracles is that they are always purposeful, often with symbolic significance. Jesus turns a small meal into a banquet for thousands - meaning he is able to satisfy the spiritual needs of the whole world as the bread of life. Tales about Jesus showing off his miraculous powers as a child to his mates are just that - tales. No miracle in the Bible is ever 'for fun.'

Finally, since miracles are generally speaking local and small-scale, the rest of the universe is unaffected. Healing a blind man in Palestine does not affect the weather on Mars.

Why miracles can certainly occur according to science

First, there is no evidence that the universe is closed. It is a working assumption required for science to function, but it remains completely unproven and unprovable. 

From day to day, scientists assume that angels are not randomly 'interfering' with the behaviour of molecules; they assume that demons are not altering the orbits of planets. God's universe runs by the divine set of laws we call natural. It's a reflection of the faithfulness of God.

But, interestingly, there is not a single theorem of science which can prove this assumption! There is no good reason to believe that the universe is closed. Why would one assume this?  Scientists need this working assumption in their experimental work, but why should anyone assume that the universe is impervious to the action of a God?

Second, there is no way to detect a past miracle. Since miracles are rare, their influence in the ocean of creation is but a small ripple long dissipated, leaving no lasting trace, just the fact and its significance.

In the third place, however, modern miracles are provable. There is no such thing as a modern miracle that can offer no physical proof. If a healing takes place today, for example, then before and after medical reports will reveal the change.

And there are many examples of modern miracles (see the Two Volume "Miracles" by Craig Keener).

Science offers no hiding place for unbelief

In other words, there is not a line in science that says "miracles cannot happen." And thus science offers no hiding place for unbelief. 

In the everlasting attempt of men and women to hide from God, science has proven to be a convenient modern fig leaf. 

But science offers no cover. Miracles have, can and do happen. And many scientists past and present have felt the almighty power of God in their minds, hearts and lives.


** Is God an "outside" entity? The very question is borderline blasphemy. Because Scripture insists that God is very much "inside" his universe, sustaining it by the word of his power. Indeed in him we live and move and have our being and nothing exists without the Word. There is nothing natural about quarks or electrons, molecules or galaxies. If God were to withdraw his influence from his universe it would disappear in an instant.

AI Drawing:
draw a miracle taking place in nature, pop art

Tuesday 26 March 2024

How can the Resurrection of Jesus give Hope?


 Hope Springs Eternal

The English poet Alexander Pope is known for the line "hope springs eternal in the human breast." Whatever precise meaning he assigned to those words, the general interpretation is sound:

None of us can live without hope.

Hope is the belief that tomorrow will be better than today.

That an event of the past will somehow be corrected in the future.

The tragic accidental death of a loved one will bear fruit in the saving of other lives.

An injustice we have experienced will eventually be corrected.

A lost loved one will be seen again.

The illness we suffer today will find a cure one day.

Hope, or so it seems, is hard-wired into the human soul.

And one can see why.

The alternative to hope is despair. And despair - the conviction that present anguish will not find future resolution - is impossible for us to bear.

How can the resurrection of one man give hope?

But how can the resurrection of one man in history be the source of glorious hope?

For that is the radical claim of Christians: the resurrection of Jesus gives present living hope and future dying hope.

The reason is that Jesus was no ordinary man. He was the Son of God, both human and divine. A mystery statable but incomprehensible. But a mystery proven by his miracles, his words, his life, his death and his resurrection.

Whatever Jesus the God-Man does is of utmost import merely by virtue of who He was and who He is.

Present Living Hope

Present 'today' hope flows from Jesus like this. You and I are alienated from the God who made and loves us. Like beached whales who cannot survive without the sea, we cannot survive or thrive - not really, not fully - without God. 

Jesus came into the world to put us right with God.

He did this by paying the penalty for our sins on Good Friday. Sins are the wrong thoughts, attitudes, words and actions we commit every day of our lives. Sin alienates us from the holiness of God. Through Jesus' death, in some mysterious and wonderful way, he paid the full penalty for our wrongdoing.

Being God he could pay for more than one person. For all who trust in him.

Jesus reconciles us to God! 

And with God we experience new life in this present world. A Comforter in sorrow, a Friend in need, a community who love us.

But that's not all...

 Future Dying Hope

Future dying hope is the certain knowledge that death will not be the end. That we will enjoy eternal life in a renewed world beyond the river we all must cross.

And this is where the rising of Jesus comes in.  

His resurrection is the firstfruits of a harvest of innumerable resurrections to follow. Jesus promised that whoever believes in him will be raised to life after they die.

Christian hope is not Oxford dictionary hope "a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen." 

Christian hope is not a "feeling of expectation" it is certainty of future and eternal joy.

AI Drawing: 
"draw the resurrection  of Jesus  in digital art."

Monday 18 March 2024

Why should Christian Leaders show Hospitality?


The simple answer is to authenticate, by life, the preaching of the local church... but first we stand back....

 The New Era of Internet Influence

We must all recognise that the days of real church leaders teaching real congregations are now over.

Or, rather, the era in which the predominant teaching influence on a church was through the local pulpit.

With the explosion of material available on the web there will be some saints who are more influenced by online teaching than inperson sermons.

The real possibility has now arisen that a church pastor/teacher/elders may not, by any stretch, be the main teacher(s) of the flock of God.

The Blessings of the Web

I once heard someone jest that www stood for World Wide Waste of time, but it need not be. If we are discerning there are reliable teachers we can benefit from.

And it seems incumbent upon church leaders these days to guide their members to reliable faithful websites. Here are just a few that are presently faithful (vigilance is needed because all human organizations - without any exceptions - are prone to doctrinal drift):

1 - Got Questions 

2 - The Gospel Coalition

3 - Desiring God

4 - FIEC

The Dangers of the Web

There are significant dangers surrounding web preaching we need to be aware of.

Danger 1 - False Teachers. The web is alive with false teachers and false teaching. Young believers particularly need to be on guard. Especially beware of those who boast of worldly qualifications / ecclesiological titles / subscriber numbers /  etc - none of which are indicators of truth.

Danger 2 - IES (Itching Ear Syndrome). Anyone with a doctrinal bee in their bonnet can find websites that will keep that bee alive, buzzin' and breeding. The algorithms of the web will take a listener into ever narrower territory until every talk they hear reinforces previous biases.

Danger 3 - Truth by Numbers. "He must be right because he has a million subscribers." We can image many church conversations across the globe have taken the following form, if not the details, "But XYZ believes in dispensational mid-trib premillennialism and he has more subscribers than you!" We need a Christian doctrine of numbers which recognizes that numbers are no indicator of truth. In fact numbers may reveal just the opposite, for false teachers are far more alluring than truth tellers. 

Even among evangelicals, numbers are no test of truth or value because some evangelicals (both dead and alive) have wealthy backers who pay big money to boost subscriber numbers. A teacher may be popular only because he/his backers are wealthy, not because he is truthful or helpful. 

It is not pleasant to point out facts.

Danger 4 - Truth divorced from Life. High-profile evangelical fraudsters whose lives did not match their truth have arisen and deceived many. Which brings me to the topic of this blog...

...the only teachers we should truly trust are teachers known to us personally, because in Scripture truth and life are inseparably bound together.

Doctrine and Life are One

We see this supremely through the Incarnation, where the Word (Truth) became flesh to dwell among us. 

God did not send us only words, he sent us a Person. And the Person backed up his words with his Life.

We see this in the basic command of Christ to his disciples, "Follow me." Not learn abstract doctrine, but follow a living Person. 

We see this in the Great Commission, where the command given to the church is to make disciples from the world - in exactly the same way that Jesus made his twelve disciples (that's what making disciples actually means), namely, to talk and walk with people. 

We see this in the radical insistence of imitator of Christ, Paul, that people should follow his life as well as / as much as his doctrine. (1 Corinthians 4:16,17, 11:1-2; Philippians 3:17, 4:9; 1 Thessalonians 1:6).

Before we listen to preacher we should watch their life. They won't be perfect, of course, but they should be godly. 

Here then is the internet problem: we have absolutely no idea what kind of life a web teacher is living. That's a pretty stark truth. 

The greatest Christian internet guru may in point of life-fact be a fraudster. 

You don't know. 

At a distance you cannot possibly know. 

Which leads us to Christian leaders and hospitality...

Christian leaders need to Show (as well as Tell)

Christian leaders must show hospitality - and for more than the reason behind this blog. 

The Greek word behind hospitality means "friend-of-strangers" and gives us one clue as to why leaders must show hospitality. Christian leaders are to go out of their way to love the outsider, the lonely, the lost, and in this way to model the Friend of Sinners.

There's a second reason Christian leaders need to show hospitality. They need  accountability for their own lives. Our homes reveal an awful lot about our lives and priorities. Having people into our homes regularly will help to curb the obsessions that can so easily take over our lives.

A family home that has few people over for hospitality can easily turn into a shrine to one idol or the other. 

Hospitality gives life-style accountability to us all - and especially to Christian leaders.

But the third and main reason leaders must show hospitality - and the purpose of this blog -  is to show by their lives the veracity and example of what is preached.

What does the Bible teach about marriage?  The local church can preach from Ephesians 5, but visit a married leader's home and see how the teaching works itself out. (It won't be a perfect marriage but it should be loving and ordered.)

What does the Bible teach about parenting? A sermon from Ephesians 6 is one way to learn. But visit the home of a Christian leader with kids and see the preaching in practice.

What does a godly life style look like? Visit the home of a Christian leader.

Life and Word go together. 

If a Christian leader does not welcome the flock into his home, we must ask why not? What has he got to hide?

In both 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 hospitality is a requirement for a church elder. For all the reasons above.

When we are looking for the next generation of elders we're not looking for men with lots of knowledge, but men who live godly lives - and their churches know it because they've seen those lives at close quarters. 

And when we are seeking out teachers to instruct us we need to know about their lives as much as their words.

AI Image:
"Draw an informal church pastor eating a meal with friends in his home"

Thursday 29 February 2024

Six signs your church is getting too big

When is big, too big?

Suppose a Bible church is growing - what are the signs that it is becoming too large and it's time to divide and multiply?

Of course, to some, the very notion that a church can be "too big" is heresy - aren't numbers a true sign of "success"? Certainly from a worldly point of view "too big" is not a valid category of thought.

But since the kingdom of God works differently from the kingdom of the world, and since all real spiritual growth in God's kingdom is through meaningful small-group discipleship (like Jesus did it), Schumacher got it right, small, really is beautiful. 

Here are six signs it may be time to downsize by planting...

1. When people attend because of popularity

The moment folks begin attending because they've heard about the church, because the church is becoming "popular" (whatever that means, Biblically), because hits and subscribe numbers are on the up, it's a sign the church is growing in the wrong way - a worldly way.

What value is it if the saints in one city or district are simply recycled, marching from the latest faddy church in town to the next? 

And remember, after marching up your hill, it won't be long before they march back down.

The kingdom is not being extended if the cards are merely being reshuffled.

The growing church might find itself ascending some illusionary ecclesiastical ladder, but what does it profit a church if it gains the whole world but loses its soul?

2.  When it has become a preaching centre

A preaching centre - where all the spokes are connected only to preacher hub - is an institution unknown in the Scriptures. All the justifying myths attached to this common idea, such as "but there is no good preaching for miles around," "why not steward a superior preaching gift," "We can achieve more as a larger congregation" etc, are very easily debunked.

The truth is that the exaltation of one gift and one man above all the other myriad useful, needful, wonderful, Spirit-given gifts of the New Testament is unbiblical - and dangerous. 

Imagine a body made up of just one gigantic eye, one humungous foot, one colossal ear, or one huge hand.  

In one famous London church of the last century it was boasted that members of the congregation could see the exalted preacher in the vestry afterwards to have their spiritual problems solved. A spiritual clinic if you like. I trust in the cold light of New Testament Day the notion that one saint (whoever he be) could or should solve the problems of a 1000 other saints is seen as outrageous. "Carry one another's burdens" is the call of Christ, not go to some Christian guru and have him carry them for you.

3. When you are approaching the "80% rule"

There is a well-known socio-common-sense rule that says that when 80% of the seats in any given auditorium are filled that church ceases to grow. New people want to hide for their first few weeks, but if they are marched to the front row or squeezed into the only available nooky corner on day 1, they may not return.

We get it. Some people hate crowds. Do you? I do.

As a church approaches 80% capacity it's probably too big. 

4. When living organism is replaced by human organization

Most churches look back on smaller earlier days as their "glory days" - and for good reason. With smaller numbers, if they wanted to do something different or exciting they could turn on a pin - and merely by word of mouth.

I heard of a church that decided - on the spur of the moment - to head out to the hills one easter morning  for their worship service, followed by a McDonald's McMuffin, I believe. An impossible joy with a church bigger than 20/30/40.

When small new churches need more workers in one area of church life, they just chat to / phone / email their brothers and sisters. Easy peasey. Nothing formal, nothing "organised."

This relational ethos sits well with the local church described as a family of brothers and sisters.

But once a church requires corporate organizational machinery run by someone with a Masters in business management, you have lost something very precious and human and divine.   

You've moved from organic to organizational.

5. When no-one can possibly know everyone

When it is actually impossible for everyone to have at least some small passing acquaintance with everyone else, again, you have lost something of that precious gift of fellowship. When folk ask people who have been around for a decade,  "is this your first Sunday here?"  

When everyone is lost in a sea of faces. 

When you, the individual saint don't matter any more. 

When you are a number, a mere statistic. 

6. When the number of people not attending small groups is increasing

As a church grows numerically, it is all too easy for the church to attract a non-participatory fringe.  Believers who have no connection to other saints in the body except on a Sunday morning. The "core" has stopped growing even though the periphery expands.

In New Testament body-speak this is equivalent to a collection of disconected eyes rattling around in a box. Lots of legs and feet trying to walk or move on their own. Ears hearing but passing the message to no-one else.

Without radical accountability to other believers through discipleship-size groups, it is impossible to grow in grace. (No matter what the quality of the preaching; for preaching alone never made a saint.)

The moment church numbers swell but the home group population remains static, the church has become too big. 

What next?

When a church grows to this kind of size, a number of responses are possible.

The first is to keep growing in numerical size...

Or else you could take radical steps to make the church smaller to grow even more! To plant a church in a needy area of town or district, nurture it to teenage and then let it go. Then plant another church and let that one go too. Then another, ad infinitum...

(The letting go is just as important as the planting, BTW, for kids who are manipulated into hanging onto mom's apron strings when they should be standing on their own two feet normally rebel).

If a church takes this real or true-growth strategy, reaching out to new communities all the time and staying small, they won't be famous in this world. But who cares about transient illusionary here-today gone-tomorrow earthly glory if one day we hear the Lord's well done?

 AI Art
Dalle  draw a small church and a large church together digital art
(Dalle, ignorant ecclesiologically, thinks that a church is a building!)