Thursday 18 April 2024

Character, Personality and Gifting

The Three Are Found in every One

Every son or daughter of Adam possesses Personality, Character and Gifting. 

Personality is largely given by nature. From the outset of life we can discern the personality of a child: shy, outgoing, timid, experimental. 

Clouds of tragedy may shroud, events may suppress, parents may try to direct, but Personality in the end is what is.

The God who has created over 400,000 different kinds of beetle has made, and delights, in a diversity of Personality.

Character is different from Personality because it is more in the hands of the possessor to shape. In Gospel terms Character may be expanded with words like faithfulness, integrity, uprightness and faithfulness.

And Character, though in the gift (and responsibility) of parents to form, is in some or large measure in the hands of the possessor. By the grace and power of God Character is open to development by the power of the Spirit.

Gifting is a mix of nature and nurture. If you have not been given some aptitude for music it's unlikely you will become a Bocelli or a Chris Martin. If no 'natural' aptitude with numbers, then you're unlikely to become a Maxwell or an Einstein. 

Gifting, as with Character, is partly in our hands. Graft and diligence can develop nascent gifts. Indeed, even though we are bestowed with natural gifts unless they are developed with diligence, they are unlikely to shine.

In the church spiritual gifts are divinely bestowed.

Confusion between Personality and Character

Believers are called to possess godly character and to add to their faith qualities such as goodness, self-control and perseverance.

And all leaders, elders and ministers of the Gospel must possess specific character traits found in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1.

All thus far is common sense. 

But here's the point of this blog.  

We must never confuse Character and Personality. 

And this is very easy to do.

Godly character can reside in a vast range of personalities. From the apostle Peters of the world who tend to be bold, outspoken and upfront, to the apostle Johns who are more of the gentle, cautious and background kind. 

God's church should be liquorice allsorts when it comes to personality and gifting. But homogenous when it comes to character.

Something is wrong in a church or with a church grouping where everyone is of the same personality type. 

We should discover - and rejoice in - God's vast range of personalities. Peters and Luthers should be welcome.

And so should Johns and Melanchthons.

AI Image:
Draw a painting of personality, character and giftings in the style of Turner

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