In this blog I ask the very simple question, "How does God change the lives of his people?"
The ultimate means of divine influence is impossible to discern: who can tell the mysterious working of God in the human soul?
For sure the Word of God together with the Spirit of God play the central and pivotal role. Through the Word we are regenerated and sanctified.
For that reason preaching and prayer is rightly prized in any genuine Bible-believing church.
The Word made flesh
But for many reasons we have neglected - to our great loss - another, but very much connected, means of divine influence: the influence of one believer upon another.
The starting point for understanding this "means of influence" is God's example: the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.
The Word could have stayed in heaven.
The Word could have written books and sent them to earth.
We could have heard the words of God merely through letters on a page or a voice from afar.
But, no, the Word became flesh.
The Word came in person, flesh and blood person.
And through, not merely his words but also his life, the disciples were transformed.
So much that enemies observing His influence on the disciples noted that these UNSCHOOLED men had been lectured by been WITH Jesus (Acts 4:13).
Enemies knew the power of just being with Jesus.
The power of example.
The power of life, of word working through life.
Jesus did not ask his disciples to show up once a week to a sabbath lecture. He lived with them week by week and through not only his words but the example of his life, he taught them.
Life (as well as lip).
Living example (as well as words).
Our obsession with the academy
Today, because of our proudful obsession with the academy, with the verbal, with the written, with the textual, we have neglected the incarnational means by which lives are in practice changed, actually transformed.
Place a young Christian in a church community - how does he or she grow? We say "come to the Sunday Sermon, read your Bible, come to the midweek Bible Study."
Words, words, words.
And then we wonder ten years down the line why their lives, Monday to Saturday are largely untransformed by the Gospel.
No life was ever transformed by sermons.
Lives are transformed in living community within the body of God's people.
(Oh yes, where faithful preaching and teaching takes place too.)
This is what Jesus meant by his command "make disciples." He meant "do for the world what I have just done for you over the last 3 years, namely spend many long hours with the next generation of believers, living a godly life before them and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."
Charter for a more incarnational Christianity
If we are to recover a truer Christianity, this is how it might look:
Think apprenticeship model not university model. Take the apprenticeship model as your example. Plumbers are not trained by placing them in an institution, but by watching a master plumber do his day work.
Therefore do not put all your eggs in the verbal basket. If a pastor spends all his time in his study and little time with real people his impact will be cerebral and minimal. (Actually, he will, by default, be influencing them profoundly into his own personal (non)incarnational philosophy: they will pick up that Monday to Saturday they may live as they please and only Sunday religion really matters.)
Does this mean preaching does not matter? Not at all. It means that there is more to communicating a message than mere words. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
Live a godly life yourself. Those who you disciple will, by God's grace, rise no higher than you. This may be precisely why discipleship is out of fashion today? Older Christians don't want young believers getting too close to their lives. After all, who knows what they might find? Not to mention the nuisance factor.
Focus on just a few people. Forget numbers, focus on a few. Forget one-mile-wide-and-one-inch-deep religion (as famous as that variety may make you) and opt for one-inch-wide but a world-transforming mile deep true Christianity.
Spend all sorts of time with those few. Time over meals, walks, coffees, whatever.
Ignore climbing the proud ecclesiastical ladders of evangelicalism (which all ride off big numbers). Of set purpose eschew ecclesiastical ladders which breed off the big numbers that make any real influence an impossibility.
Don't be deceived by big-number claims. Time and again folk will boast that such and such person has influenced "a generation" of people. It's a lie. If Jesus did not manage to influence more than 12 (11) nor will you - or the big evangelical guru. Oh, yes they may read a book of yours, hear a sermon, but the incarnation teaches that real and lasting influence requires much more than mere words.
So be content with influencing just a few. Jesus was content with just 12 (11) over 3 years. You and I will struggle to disciple twelve people well the whole of our lives. Settle for just a few and look to your heavenly reward not to earthly fleeting fame.
Suppose, just suppose we said to one another that we would be content with to disciple say 3 people the whole of our lives. The next generation of believers would multiply by a factor of 3...
...the following by 9
...the following by 27.
You get the picture.
Religion changes no-one.
Discipleship changes the world.