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Thursday 28 November 2019

Why I could not vote Labour

Christians and Politics
Some say that it is not wise for church leaders to comment on politics in case they offend half their congregation. But sometimes the stakes are so high that we feel obliged to wade in.

That one sentence
All three main parties are drifting away from Judeo-Christian values, but one line from the Labour manifesto ought to send shivers down the spine of any Christian.

Here it is on page 48:

 "We will uphold women’s reproductive rights and decriminalise abortions." 

All the commentators, including the highly reputable organisation Right to Life agree that this means murder on demand (abortion on demand). Anyone, for any reason, right up to birth could demand a child to be murdered in the womb. This would give the UK the most murderous abortion laws in the world.

(See Right to Life Analysis)

Why Abortion is an Evil
Abortion is wrong for a million and one reasons:

(1) Abortion is the very worst way to treat a pregnant woman
Every woman carrying a child becomes attached to that child: it's nature's way. To callously say to that mother that she can "dispose" of her human child without any future fearsome conscience issues is to lie to her. Abortion is the cruelest way to deal with what are sometimes called "unplanned" or "unwanted" pregnancies. What a woman who has a child within her needs to hear is first, that the child does not "belong" to her, is not a "part" of her, rather the child is a separate living human being. And then she needs compassion to help her deal with the life situation which led her to this point. She does not need someone to most cruelly and callously say "let me help you murder the child."

(2) Abortion is the taking of human life: it is murder
No longer is this debatable. From the very moment of conception a separate human being comes into existence. The mother merely provides food and a home. That's the way nature brings about new human beings. The child (we must avoid using the deliberately non-emotive, non-human word foetus and use the real, biological, factual word, "child"), the child, is not "part" of the mother. The mother is merely the temporary home, and the mother and father have no rights whatsoever over the child, any more than they have rights over the child after the child is born.

(3) Abortion is a barbaric form of death
Abortion is barbaric. I shan't print here how children in the womb are poisoned or ripped to shreds in the foul process of abortion - you can Google that for yourself. Hitler treated Jews more kindly than Abortion clinics treat unborn children. When Jews went to the gas chambers they at least had the option to fight or protest (those that realised what was about to happen). An unborn child has no opportunity to protest, fight or resist.

(4) There are no such entities as "unwanted children"
Every single child if allowed to come into this world could be adopted. The great spin-off would be that the young (often) pregnant manipulated girl would be spared of later years of torment, "I have killed a son or daughter."

(5) Abortion has devastating repercussions
Abortion does not stand alone in society; every legalised barbaric act has repercussions. The most devastating of all is that it says "there is such a thing as a life not worth living." The moment you say that sentence, it can be applied elsewhere.

Recently, a company, Exit International, has invented a machine which anyone can use to kill themselves - in style. The capsule produces, they say, "a rapid decrease in oxygen level, while maintaining a low CO2 level, (the conditions for a peaceful, even euphoric death)." Euthanasia is the natural daughter of abortion.

And what hypocrisy! Allowing abortion up to birth! As if there is any difference between that precious life one minute before birth or one minute afterwards! Today our culture would be appalled if a mother or father was allowed to stab her baby to death as soon as it was born (this is called infanticide).  But our culture is perfectly happy for a medic to stab it to death one minute before it is born.

What hypocrisy! We grant legal protection the moment the child is born but zero protection one second before birth!

The ancient Romans practised infanticide, and infanticide could easily become the next step in our own culture's murderous journey. For sure, infanticide is no worse than abortion.

(6) Abortion is a litmus test for a society
How a society treats the weak - of all kinds - is a litmus test for how civilised it is. And if it kills the most vulnerable it is not worthy of the title "civilised."

Western nations like ours arrogantly look down on tin-pot regimes that kill thousands of children and adults, but in the grand scheme of things, aborting nations kill many more people than those they look down on. In the place where a vulnerable life is developing and should be most safe, it is murdered: last year we killed 200,000 babies in England and Wales. What tin-pot regime killed 200,000 of its citizens last year? Future history is most likely to judge Western civilisation as far more barbaric than the likes of Saddam Hussein. Just because the murder is hidden, just because it is the murder of as yet unnamed persons and yet-unknown persons doesn't make it any the less barbaric.

Are there no grounds for abortion?
No, none whatsoever. What about when the life of the mother is at risk? That is not abortion. When a surgeon is faced with a situation where both lives would be lost if left alone, and he must make a choice, mother or child, then choosing to save the mother is not aborting the child: that is the wrong nomenclature. The surgeon is like a lifesaver who finds two drowning people but can only save one. We would not say he has killed the other, we would not call him a murderer. No we would call him a saviour for he has saved one. In the same way we do not say of the surgeon who has saved the mother that he has aborted the child, no, we say that he has nobly saved the mother.

What about the case of rape? One evil cannot be undone by a second. Allowing the child to live and be adopted is far the best way to counsel. 

Back to Labour
It would be hard to imagine a Christian, whose Master said "Let the children come to me", voting for a party that is planning to allow even more murders in our nation.

That line on page 48 alone writes Labour off as unfit to govern.

Whoever you vote for, don't vote for Labour.

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