In this confusion, it is helpful to remind ourselves what the Gospel is and to make sure that it is at the heart of our proclamation and labours.
There is a God
The Gospel starts further back than the Cross. It starts with the fact that everyone in the world knows that there is a God from the witness of creation. God has placed a forensic software programme in the human mind which runs from evidence (creation) to conclusion (there must be a God). We don't need to prove the existence of God, just declare it and show it.
Everyone has sinned
Then we need to convince folk from the law in their consciences and the ten commandments and the law of Christ that we have all sinned against this great and holy God who made us. We have all broken God's commandments in thought, attitude, word and deed. This is the bad news that must precede the Good News - we deserve the righteous punishment of God.
It is only when a doctor tells the patient that he or she has cancer that they are able to see their need for the cure. If a doctor just gave "Good News" to a patient, i.e. news of a cure, they would not be interested. A cure? Why do I need a cure?
God is merciful
Convicted of their sin, we now are able to describe God's loving and amazing remedy for sin and its eternal consequences. God so loved the world that he sent his Son into the world to pay for our sins by suffering death on a Roman cross. In this way his need for holy justice is satisfied and his love is expressed to those who do not deserve salvation. Salvation is available as a free gift to all who trust in Christ, and all who believe will be given eternal life.
Repentance and Faith
This message demands a response of repentance - a change of mind and a change of life. It demands faith, believing the Good News and personally entrusting ourselves to Jesus Christ. Simply declaring the Good News is not enough, we must urge men and women to respond: to repent and to believe.
Obedience and following Christ
Is this part of the Gospel? I would say so. Unless we make disciples - which involves teaching believers to obey everything Christ has commanded - we have not completed the task of sharing the Gospel. So discipleship is part and parcel of our gospel declaration.
This Gospel is the power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes. What a wonderful thing! If we stick to it, if we are faithful in proclaiming it, if we reject modern alternatives, such as the "gospel of the kingdom", God will be pleased to honour our labours and bring men, women, boys and girls to himself.
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