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Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Using our Extra Time in this Coronavirus Pandemic: 7 Suggestions

Extra Time?
Not everyone, but some folks have more time on their hands than normal, due to the "stay home" policy of the Government, and that raises a question for Christians - how can we use our extra time well?

Redeeming the Time
I grew up in a Bible home where Time, along with Spiritual Gifts and Money were thought of as precious gifts from God not to be squandered or wasted - nor selfishly indulged - but instead to be used for God's glory, because one day the Master will ask each of us:

"How did you use the gifts I gave to you?" 

My father in particular, was careful about the use of time and he would often chide his six children when he saw us wasting our precious time with the words of the apostle Paul, "Redeem the time for the days are evil" (Ephesians 5:16). He set an example that I will never reach, using valuable time to share the Gospel with others and build up God's people.

The world around us often thinks about time selfishly - not least because it thinks that this life is all there is, YOLO (You Only Live Once). Make sure you fulfill your Bucket List (all the things you want to do before you 'kick the bucket") in the short span of this life.

So to the world extra time spells more pleasure, more films to watch, more YouTube videos to consume, more social media to explore, and so on. Not always, but often enough for that selfish attitude to shape, dominate and influence the social landscape - and thus so easily infect the children of God.

How could we use our extra hours of precious time?
Here are seven ways to "redeem the time."

#1) We can Rest
Some people rarely rest, and rather than that being a noble thing, it is a foolsih thing. God rested on the Seventh day and set a pattern for all of his creatures. We need to rest. Rest does not mean inactivity, it means breaking from the normal pace, it means time to think, time to recharge our batteries, time to reflect, even time to "put our house in order."

#2) We can sort out that necessary thing or that difficult duty
We can so easily make the excuse "I don't have time" when it comes to some of the difficult duties of our obedience to Christ. We put things off saying to ourselves "one day." Well today is that day. In the extra time we have available how can we do that thing? Perhaps a husband needs to take responsibility to lead his family spiritually. Perhaps you do not yet use your spiritual gift to serve Christ, perhaps you have been planning to sort out your money and start/review your giving but it just hasn't happened yet. Today is the day!

#3) Build yourself up in your holy faith
Perhaps you have never been able to have a regular "quiet time" or "daily devotions" - you've felt life is just too full-on. Is this the time to begin setting aside 15 minutes a day, say, to pray and read our Bibles, all on our own? To build our relationship with God, our love for him, our knowledge of him.

Perhaps you could read a good Christain book. TenofThose are selling 20 books for £20, some for you, some to give away.  But be quick! Find the deal HERE.

#4) Marriage Building / friendship strengthening
In our highly pressurised world, and especially when little ones in our families need caring for, absorbing so much of mom and dad's time, a marriage relationship can so easily take second place - and suffer.

How about a weekly date night for couples? An evening when husbands and wives can spend quality time just being with one another, talking, and perhaps reading the Scriptures and praying with each other.

How about a renewed daily time of husband-wife prayer? Today my wife and I went out in the beautiful sunshine for our once-a-day permitted walk and we prayed along the way - as we often do.

Husbands - you lead this marriage building, remember you are responsible before God.

If you are single, why don't you build friendships using Skype or Zoom?

#5) Family Devotions
Another way to use our extra time profitably is to establish daily devotions. I have heard of families taking time out each day, to gather together, read, perhaps sing and pray together.

Again, fathers, this is your responsiblilty to intitiate.

#6) Fellowship
A strange one? Not in our digital age. A sister said to me yesterday that she was going to call a different person every day to encouarge them! We have texts, phone calls, Skype, Zoom and many other platforms we can use. Think about who in your home group or church is on their own. Call them, ask how they are, pray on the phone, encourage them. You could even write them a letter (Google "letter" if you're not familiar with this old-fangled invention!) 

#7) Outreach
Is there someone you could help in your neighbourhood? Is there someone you could give something to read to? Here are two excellent resources available from TenOfThose (I don't have shares in this company).

The first is a short attractive colour tract, the second is a short booklet. Beware of how you pass them on however, follow the Government's guidelines. 

What a blessing we have been given! In disguise! More time!

Let's "Redeem the time for the days are evil."

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