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Saturday 27 June 2020

Daily Devotions for Difficult Days [102] Sonnet of Love (13) Love does not delight in evil

Salt-cellar Doldrums

I am told that when a husband and wife are divorcing, absolutely everything becomes a bone of contention. One party "cannot put the salt-cellar on the table in the right place without a complaint from the other" is the image used to describe this sin-cursed malaise.

Its an apt image: Something as insignificant as the geographical location of a salt cellar becomes an issue of monumental significance.

Molehills, we say, have become Mountains.

The one sees nothing but evil in the other: evil motives, evil words, evil actions. The other, once a friend and lover, is now the devil incarnate.

A more illuminating image of hatred could scarcely be found! Where once "love covered over a multitude of sins," now every wrong, more imagined than real, is piled against the other.

Which brings us to today's line in Paul's sonnet of love:

"Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth."

Let's hear it from a few other translators:

"It is never glad about injustice, but rejoices whenever truth wins out."

"Love is not happy with evil, but is happy with the truth"

" isn’t happy with injustice, but it is happy with the truth"

" does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth"

"..does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth"

The setting here is love between brothers and sisters in a church, rather than marital love. The moment two believers fall out, they no longer overlook the (numerous!) faults of the other, but begin to list them one by one. All the good points, the strengths, the graces, are swept away in this foolish and relentless torrent of silly half-foibles!

I remember a former pastor of mine saying that if his wife were to list his faults to me, she'd be able to go on for ages "without repetition, hesitation or deviation!"

But she wouldn't, of course, for love always protects!

People who fall out with one another find fault with one another.

But it gets worse.

Rejoicing in the wrong things

When they hear bad news happening to the other they actually rejoice! (And perhaps when they hear good stuff happening to the other they are sad!)

It is a sure sign that you are falling out with someone, when you begin making a list (and checking it twice) of all the other's faults.

It is a sure sign that you are falling out of love if you (secretly of course) rejoice when bad things happen to them.

It is a sure sign that you are all out of love when you do not rejoice when good things happen to that person.

Divine Love

If this is the way the world twists, it's not the way God's people are to behave. Paul says: "Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth." Love never delights in evil, wherever it happens, and love always delights in good wherever it is to be found.

You know you're advancing on the forgiveness journey when you rejoice when the offender rejoices and mourn when they mourn.

Can I share a personal story?

Many moons ago, some believers deeply hurt me, you don't need to know any more, and I shan't tlel you if you asked for love keeps no record of wrongs. I had to work towards forgiveness by praying as Jesus taught me to pray,  "Forgive me my sins as I forgive them what they have done against me."

Years rolled by.

Were the prayers "working"?

I heard that one of these believers lost her husband to cancer, here was the acid test. How would my heart respond? If there was an ounce of hatred in my heart, I would have secretly rejoiced with a "serves her right!"

But God had indeed  done a marvelous miracle in my heart (without me scarcely knowing it) and I felt nothing but compassion for her and wrote to offer our condolences.

Nothing to do with me, and everything to do with God's hate-destroying love in the heart of one of his weak children.

Summing it All Up

Whenever we hear of good, righteousness and truth we should rejoice in it. And whenever we hear of evil, injustice or tragedy we should weep.

And if we do, that is because God's wonder-working power is alive in our hearts to reproduce the love of Christ, who loved hell-deserving and hell-bound wretched sinners like us. 

When Jesus began his life-giving ministry he did so with the words of Isaiah 61, which describes a God who gives to people who are already down and mourning (ashes), not more hassle, but a crown of beauty.

He gives beauty for ashes
Strength for fear
Gladness for mourning
Peace for despair

When sorrow seems to surround you
When suffering hangs heavy o'er your head
Know that tomorrow brings
Wholeness and healing
God knows your need
Just believe what He said

When what you've done keeps you from moving on
When fear wants to make itself at home in your heart
Know that forgiveness brings
Wholeness and healing
God knows your need
Just believe what He said

I once was lost but God has found me
Though I was bound I've been set free
I've been made righteous in His sight
A display of His splendor all can see

You can hear it or sing along right HERE.


Our loving Father in heaven,

The hot sun of this past week has reminded us of your mighty life-giving power. Thank you for the sun which rises each day and gives light to all the world.

We thank you more for the Son of Righteousness who has risen in our hearts with healing and forgiveness.

How poor we are at love! We read these words of Holy Scripture today and wonder if we have ever loved! Forgive our foolish and sinful ways and teach us to love our brothers and sisters as you love us.

Help us never to rejoice in evil and teach us always to rejoice in the truth.

And do this, not only for our spiritual liberty but for the salvation of the world who will then see unhuman love, even divine love, among your people.

In Christ's name we pray these things,


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