A million reasons for hope in 2016
Christians can look to the future with great hope! There are more reasons than we could ever list. Our God is the sovereign Ruler of the universe - and over our individual lives. He is our loving Father in heaven. He has in mind only good plans and intentions for his children. He watches over us day and night and has promised never to leave us or forsake us. He forgives all our sins. By his Spirit he is with us continually - indeed even in us. He has given us a loving family in the people of God to encourage and care for us. Even in the face of death we have the hope of eternal life because Jesus rose from the dead - all who believe in him will also one day rise to inherit a world of joy.
The reality of fear and worry
How then do we move from FEAR to HOPE? In Isaiah chapter 7, we are given five steps to hope. God's people were fearful of a coalition of two kings who had vowed to destroy them; so fearful they were shaking as trees shake in a wind. Into this fearful situation, God sends Isaiah with words of hope. That is the key to hope - to hear the words of God rather than listen to the lies of Satan.
"Do not be afraid" - is God's first word to fearful saints (verse 4). This is a word we need to hear every day, a word often on the lips of Jesus to his disciples. A simple word, just "don't be afraid".
"The harm you fear will not happen" (verses 4-7). The two threatening kings might look fearsome but they are nothing more than two near-burnt-out stubs of smouldering wood. The harm you fear will not happen, full stop! God watches over us and will guard us from all harm. Mark Twain once said "I've had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened." This is the nature of worry, we worry about things that will not happen, that will not harm us. Why fear? Harm cannot touch us?
"God is in sovereign control" (v.7-9a). The true King is God Most High, not these two little tin pot earthly kings. God not ISIS, God not government, God not Satan. His ways may be mysterious, but they are trustworthy. Why fear when God is at the helm?
"Stand firm" (v.9b). This is the only exhortation - thing we have to do. The other four steps to hope are promises. Here God encourages his people to stand firm. This is not a time for wavering or giving up or giving out to the enemy! Seasons of fear are just the seasons for standing firm in our faith.
"I am with you" (v.14). God gives to his people a sign - a baby born among them by the name of Immanuel (God with us) as a visual aid. "Who is that boy?" "Why that's Immanuel, God with us." We have no need of signs for by his Spirit the true Immanuel dwells within us. Why fear when God is with us?
Believers stand at the portal of 2016 with great hope, because they have a Great God, a great Saviour, great promises! The best, indeed is yet to be!
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